A Few Musings...
Living in the post 9/11 era…the era of homeland security… of the war of fear….suicide bombers….we have made the most crafty and cunning of decisions. Have the Arabs guard our ports! Slush Lockjaw claimed that they won’t blow up their own stuff, what sane property owner does that?
Crazy like a fox!
That’s right rush! You tell’em. I got an even better idea. Let’s sell it all! That’s it! We can sell everything the ports, the statues, the national parks, heck, we can sell the borders off by the foot! - kind of like a rummage sale. We’ll be able to pay a fraction of a day’s interest on all the money we owe everyone and we can rest with our never ending brilliance of incorporating all the countries we have insulted, invaded, harassed, whose citizens we have swept up, imprisoned and tortured into our melting pot of a country. They can guard our stuff from…well, from them. It’s the same sort of monitoring we have now in Washington, with everyone policing themselves. That’s gone so well I can’t imagine why we wouldn’t apply it to every conceivable model possible.
Once again our fab Homeland Security leader Chertoff has broken any and all barriers on out of the box thinking.

Way to go Mickey C!

Is it me or does the word “homeland” bring up images of Germany during the Nazi years? It sounds so, I don’t know, 1984-ish.

Meanwhile we could not rid ourselves of pictures of all those school buses under water after Katrina with right-wingers shrieking – what about the buses! What about the buses! Yet 11,000 FEMA mobile homes sit rotting in, is it Arkansas?, while those affected by Katrina live in tents?

Damn liberal media.


Lorraine said…
I know there are even Republicans scratching their heads over this one...I know that doublespeak is the stock and trade of this administration...but how you go from accusing everyone who disagrees with you of having a naive, post-9/11 mentality to justifing the sale of US ports to a dicey Arab nation blows my mind!

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