Geeeeeeeeeeeeeett Oooouuuuuuuut
It is time. With the bombing of such a hugely important mosque and the repercussions following, every indication points to us, yup, cuttin’ and runnin’. We cannot make this work. There’s no need to say that we shouldn’t have been there in the first place, because we are there now. But it is time to leave Iraq. We have pretended for long enough that we understand the Middle Eastern culture and faith. Civil war is imminent. Bring our kids back NOW NOW NOW!

Momma don’t let yer babies grow up…
Without you. A lot of “hoopla” about educated women leaving their careers to be moms.
I’m not sure I understand the problem. I guess because I felt the absolute fundamental drive to not let anyone else raise my boys and wanted to ensure that I savored every conceivable ounce of joy in the experience of being with them, I don’t really understand why anyone would have a problem with this choice. It is, once again, a woman’s right to choose. If you want a career and you have kids, it’s up to you to choose. There’s an opportunity cost in every single action of every single day. Regardless of what you choose. If you choose a career, you’ll miss out on key milestones in your child’s life that will never be repeated. If you choose to stay home with your kids, you’ll miss out on opportunities presented in your particular area of expertise, professionally, that will undoubtedly never present themselves again. Life is choices.

Speaking of choices, now that the Supreme Court is hopelessly listing to the right, South Dakota has begun the drum beat (hopefully not the same drum that was laced with anthrax causing that one dude to get ill – gosh, that so stinks!) of overturning Roe v Wade. They have created legislation to ban abortions, unless the mother’s life is at risk. Pretty gracious of them to add that last part.
Here we go. The ball doth roll. Hopefully not on the incline, but it’s looking that way. How about we listen to what women want? Since, frankly, they are the ones involved.
What if the child’s health is so dire that the family would be crushed under the financial medical burden? What about the family’s right to life? What if it’s a little questionable if the mother’s life were in danger? Don’t you think that if a woman wanted an abortion she would shop around until she found a doctor that would say her life is in danger? It just seems to me that when you start legislating something, again, focused solely on one segment of society, it’s a bad, bad thing.
I wouldn’t have an abortion. That’s just me. I don’t think any man should have an abortion. That might sound very neo con, right-wing, evangelical of me, but that’s me being honest. As far as women go, they should decide for themselves. Like they don’t have enough to deal with. With the slashing of funding for battered women’s shelters women, who have finally found that last thread of strength, gathered her belongings, children and escaped an abusive household, are being turned away in droves. Thousands are being turned away from shelters. Funding which was steady and strong for this kind of service have dwindled to less than a trickle. Women and children’s services, the safety net for those in desperate need, are like schools of fish on a dried up ocean floor. Flippin’ around, desperately trying to hold on. And now we add this. Perfect.

Port - U galled?
Being called a racist because you don’t agree with the decision to hand over ports to a UAE corporation?
Welcome, friend!
Welcome to the world of those called unpatriotic, pro-terrorist, and anti-troops because they disagreed with the war. You are welcome here. We know how you feel. It stinks, doesn’t it? You end up feeling like a hamster on a metal wheel, desperately trying to get somewhere while those in power laugh and point and say “awww, so cute yet so stupid”. It’s not a racist, anti-Muslim issue. It is a “what will the UAE do for money” issue. It appears that, sure, the UAE have been exceedingly cooperative with the US for a couple of years. Is it because they are behind the policies or is it, rather, like those fish that follow sharks – knowing that if they stick with the huge predator they will reap some of the rewards? It seems that this coalition of countries is more involved with money than with principles. Here’s the thing. The UAE have a) refused to acknowledge the existence of Israel and b) recognize the Taliban (know where I’m going with this?). And we give them access to six major ports in our country. Palestine democratically elects Hamas into power who a) refuse to acknowledge the existence of Israel and b) have been labeled a terrorist organization. And we cut off financial aid and work to undermine them. Just seems kind of unfair and unbalanced to me.
From an administration that constantly paints the Middle East with broad brushstrokes of “terrorists”, this makes no sense. What’s even more unbelievable is the claim yesterday that bush didn’t know anything about the agreement until after it was made. This deal was supposedly reported on in newspapers at the end of October of last year. It makes me shudder and throw up a little bit that I am in the same car as Sean Insanity, that Savage freak and Tom DeLay. It helps a bit that I am as usual at the polar opposite position as Lush Pimp-pa.
My feeling is this. Just because your buddy has a business interest with a company inside a group of countries that supposedly have been “helpful” in the war of terror, the countries were still involved in 9/11. This all can’t be pushed through because “hey! He’s a buddy! We go way back!”

I’m just trying to think POST 9/11 –ish.


Lorraine said…
Exactly. Hoist on their own petard (as Pat commented on my blog the other day). You can't inculcate fear for 5 years and then act surprised when everyone sees a deal with an Arab nation and says, "WTF?" If Bush Inc. weren't so icky this would be so amusing. Sigh. Again.

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