From what I gather from a morning report on NPR, Venezuela is in the process of buying arms from various sources, like Spain and the areas of the now defunct Soviet Union. The rumblings have of course begun about Hugo's being buddies with the dreaded Castro (boo hiss) which again, knee jerkedly, causes everyone to scream in unison in the 5 second soundbite which is now the only form of news we show any affinity for "communism threat!" arrrgggh! Hugo has stated that this is purely a defensive move, since, gee, I don't know, he is referred to as bush's "nemesis" and Pat "I'm-the-turn-people-away-from-Christianity-kinda-Christian Robertson's nationally televised call for assassination. And now efforts are being made to block the sales. That's right. Block the sales.
I am just coming away from reading Confessions of an Economic Hitman, and personally, I think fortifying my military would be a good idea if I was Senor Hugo, but I think it far more important that a) I had someone filming me, everything that belongs to me and everything I plan on ever traveling in and b) continuous vigilant bodyguards supplied by my mom since really she is the only one that would not be corruptible when it comes to my demise. If you don't play with the US, you not only don't get paid, you get dead. That's all there is to it. Saddam had his opportunity to go along like the Saudis did and get a nice, new, modern country and strong ties to the US. Sure the US would have owned his economy, but guess who owns it now? Huh, smarty? Great job, buddy! Next time choose curtain number 3!
Do you think I've plugged this book enough? Are you getting that it caused such an incredible sense of relief to me - knowing that something was wrong with the way things have been going, not fully believing "conspiracy theories" but just knowing that stuff was going on that was so incredibly twisted? And I found out that yes, but twisted is putting it mildly. Oh, com-mon! Read the book!
I close with my cabbage patch cheer - Go Hugo Go Hugo Go Hugo! You're a rock star! Keep on thumbing your nose at our good ole boy but just make sure you stay important enough and interesting enough to stay on the news media's radar otherwise you are in a grave danger, pal.


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