Ooo yes
You are the man
So defined so strong
Stomping on
Whomever disagrees
With your fancies like the breeze
Flittering and flying with jets overseas
Threatening with might
Will make right
Make them bend to your will
High pitched and shrill
Stomping puffing out bottom lip
Hands on hips
Wanting your way
Right now today
We can't wait
It's bait
Can't you see
Can't anybody but me
Fulfill the destiny
Get them back for kicking sand at me
The country
How dare they take a shot at us
Leaving dust
And soot
Under foot
Making us frightened and scared
We blinked and they dared
We will get them back
Middle East Iraq
They don't even believe
Can you conceive
That they have that weird allah thing goin on
Not believing in God's Son
Idiots and fools
Kneeling on the floor every two seconds to drool
Over some false god and prophet
Don't they get it yet
They're doomed
They're done
They spat upon the chosen one
And now they will suffer indeed
I will conquer if not with a gallant steed
Then bombers and soldiers rockets and power
Then we'll see who is frightened and cowers
Then they will see that we are the best
Not just with money but with all the rest
We are number one we do take first place
Don't think we won't rub it in your face
You will think like us and accept Christ
If not on your own then by our fist
Because that is our mission that is our goal
Forget love they would not be sold
So wrestle then to the ground
Pin them down
Force it on them till they see
They cannot exist without our deity
We will use whatever we can
Even God becoming a man
To divert their eyes away
From what we covet each day
The riches for many will pay
In the black tar Texas tea
Under the desert of your stupid country
We will show how you torture and put to death
Your very own people are you ashamed yet
You are evil so bad
The caricature of a mad
And insane leader
Bears a striking resemblance to the plant seeder
The feeder
Of spin
Who only allows in
The information that makes him look right
And just
And justified
In denying
The rights
Of a country to defend itself
Because who in their right mind
Would hand over his defenses
When threatened in kind
A burglar a murder is at your door
You know what he is there for
Do you say hey here is all my protection
Surely he won't come in
Take what is yours for him
You bolt the doors batten down the hatches
Check all your latches
Hope your arsenal matches
For a melting pot
We sure don't got
An idea of differences in culture
We aren't the police of the world we're the vultures
The poachers
On countries
On their third world knees
Desperate pleas
We make them say please
We swagger around
Like those mirror athlete clowns
So full of themselves no room for others
The sisters and brothers
The mothers
Who are just trying to get by
To survive
The day to day
While leaders play
Do you hear the multitude of citizens
The image you are projecting
Ringleader making everyone do your will
Swallowing a pill
That will make us all ill
While kids cling to dad as he's off
To a place faraway
While the mother does pray
That he returns someday
Parents say goodbye
To daughter who might die
For a cause they don't even believe in
But take comfort
The ones in the fort
Aren't our elite
They're off the street
Trying to get a degree
You see
We only send
The Expendable
It's not like it's the bluebloods
It's the duds
The minorities who can't pay
Their way
See we thought of everything
Who was that guy who did sing
Of soylent green
I don't pretend to know
The writer who bestowed
The idea of sending the poor
Someplace more
Equipped to handle them
Make them into spam
We need a few I suppose
As we will always need those
Willing to dig a ditch build our streets
Produce the food my family eats
We will always need the lower end
Who make the things on money we spend
The thing is these people sometimes refuse
To choose
The choice we've given
Deciding instead to join gangs rob steal
Make record deals
Signing on the line
That's where I draw the line
They cross the line
And start to dine
In places I take my family to
This will not do
For one they don't know the rules
They are easy to spot
Because they fit in not
They think wearing riches is it
But they are nitwits
In order to fit
Into the elite
It takes more than the right street
Cash to flash dressing for success
You'll never be president that way
The way has to be paved
For generations that go as far as I can see
To be
You must start from within
Begin farther back than you can imagine
Believe me we know
That you are not one of us
Four hundred years ago we had you in place
While we made our space
Reserved the spots
At the top
While you were in rice paddy fields
Your returns had high yields
You can't buy your way into this level
Or make deals with the devil
So be happy were you are
Go fight our war
So our companies can spar
Or pretend to For the contracts to rebuild the country we did undo.