The Dirty Secret
I can't fathom anything more horrifying than the purposeful destruction of an innocent being for pleasure. The fact that child trafficking exists sends shudders up and down my spine. What a soul destroying human affliction! The reasons for its existence are grounded in poverty - for the vast majority of children are sold by impoverished families who deceive themselves into believing that their child will be used for something legitimate. And then there is just pure human averice. What causes a person to seek out a child of five, seven, nine? What has happened to that person to halt their desire in the prepubescence of the human being? But what is going on with someone when they lust for a girl who is thirteen, fourteen, fifteen? Most of these kids are rejected by the very community from which they were snatched because of the shame associated with prostitution, rape, etc. Education. What a huge instrument for change it is!
It is not just rampant in East Asia - Cambodia, is occurring right now, right here, in 48 of the 50 states. Children. As young as five sold to men. Here. For a Christian nation running around telling everyone else how to be, we're not doing such a great job. Time to wake up. This has got to stop.