Stem Cell Musings
Ok. Am I insane? An egg is now a child in suspended animation? Have I got this right? Am I going to extremes? Because this is what I believe to be the foundational reason for the first ever veto by this administration. Is it just fertilized eggs or is it unfertilized? The next step would naturally be to start figuring out a way to incarcerate all those evil menstruating women who are flippantly allowing the precious “pre-baby” to be flushed down the proverbial toilet. Is there a bill in the making?
I sure hope so.
All those little kiddiewinks suffering…being eaten by alligators in the sewage systems.
Seems to me that we have gone off the deep end. How do you send kids off to war to be blow apart, how are you pro-death penalty, yet you are unwilling to allow women to donate their eggs to science? I understand that it’s all about the funding – the use of the US tax dollar. But 75% of people are pro stem cell research in relation to this particular avenue of gaining the stem cells.
I find this all so incredible. The one time bush uses his veto and it’s to stomp on science. Actually, it makes sense. He’s been deathly afraid of science and therefore adamantly against it from the start. Too many sci-fi cartoons at a young age. I would say books..but..well…you know. That would entail reading.
NAACP Musings
Bush went for the first time to the NAACP. He stood in front of educated people who know their own history, and managed to come up with nothing better than their history, civil rights, the inherent distrust of the African American community for the Republicans (oh...rilly?) and the renewal of the Voting Rights Bill, which was applauded wildly….as was the comment about the inherent distrust they have for the Republican party. No talk about foreign policy, nothing too complicated. He spoke briefly about his fiasco No Child Left Behind education policy, but of course, made no mention about its serious underfunding. Also not mentioned was the unemployment rate of 9% for blacks in comparison to 4.6% for whites. Kind of a serious discrepancy. One possibly worth mentioning.
Harpoon Musings
Jon Stewart’s Daily Show last night sent a stinging harpoon into the hot air balloon known as bush rhetoric. First he showed a snippet of bush saying how precious each and every human life is, how it is sanctified. And then in another interview a reporter asked how many Iraqis had been killed in the war and he did a shrug and a “idunno” face and said about 30,000 give or take. The gong of contradiction sounded loudly in my head last night.
Highly Comical Musings
I saw one of the funniest “political” videos yesterday. See it here:
Lamentable Musings
And finally, it seems that the Israeli perspective has taken a page out of the neo-con bible. Just because I believe that Israel’s “defending of itself” is excessive does not make me an anti-Semite. Does this ring a bell with anyone? If you spoke out against this war, when it was initiated, you were a terrorist-abettor and unpatriotic, to boot. Defending yourself usually means taking out the guys shooting at you, the missiles and the stockpiles of ammo, generally taking out anything that is doing harm. Last time I checked bridges, power plants, milk factories, hospitals, ambulances, water treatment plants and villages of civilians are not considered armaments.
There is still a question as to where the two Israeli soldiers were when they were kidnapped. The continuous labeling of those in Lebanon as “terrorists” is the key. The key word that has linked the dogma of the Israelis and the neo-cons. Anything can be done under this label – the reduction and the infringement of our rights, spying, incarceration without charge, destruction of entire countries and its peoples, ANYTHING. You whip people up with fear-mongering and you can do whatever you please. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International are now screaming “war crimes!” because of the overkill of force being used by the Israelis…and bush is what? Giving the only female leader in the room, the German, a shoulder rub…chewing his food with his mouth open…saying absolutely nothing? And our senate? Just as bad. Complete compliance with the “Israel is doing nothing wrong” mantra. What a proud moment.
Just another in a string of them.
Ok. Am I insane? An egg is now a child in suspended animation? Have I got this right? Am I going to extremes? Because this is what I believe to be the foundational reason for the first ever veto by this administration. Is it just fertilized eggs or is it unfertilized? The next step would naturally be to start figuring out a way to incarcerate all those evil menstruating women who are flippantly allowing the precious “pre-baby” to be flushed down the proverbial toilet. Is there a bill in the making?
I sure hope so.
All those little kiddiewinks suffering…being eaten by alligators in the sewage systems.
Seems to me that we have gone off the deep end. How do you send kids off to war to be blow apart, how are you pro-death penalty, yet you are unwilling to allow women to donate their eggs to science? I understand that it’s all about the funding – the use of the US tax dollar. But 75% of people are pro stem cell research in relation to this particular avenue of gaining the stem cells.
I find this all so incredible. The one time bush uses his veto and it’s to stomp on science. Actually, it makes sense. He’s been deathly afraid of science and therefore adamantly against it from the start. Too many sci-fi cartoons at a young age. I would say books..but..well…you know. That would entail reading.
NAACP Musings
Bush went for the first time to the NAACP. He stood in front of educated people who know their own history, and managed to come up with nothing better than their history, civil rights, the inherent distrust of the African American community for the Republicans (oh...rilly?) and the renewal of the Voting Rights Bill, which was applauded wildly….as was the comment about the inherent distrust they have for the Republican party. No talk about foreign policy, nothing too complicated. He spoke briefly about his fiasco No Child Left Behind education policy, but of course, made no mention about its serious underfunding. Also not mentioned was the unemployment rate of 9% for blacks in comparison to 4.6% for whites. Kind of a serious discrepancy. One possibly worth mentioning.
Harpoon Musings
Jon Stewart’s Daily Show last night sent a stinging harpoon into the hot air balloon known as bush rhetoric. First he showed a snippet of bush saying how precious each and every human life is, how it is sanctified. And then in another interview a reporter asked how many Iraqis had been killed in the war and he did a shrug and a “idunno” face and said about 30,000 give or take. The gong of contradiction sounded loudly in my head last night.
Highly Comical Musings
I saw one of the funniest “political” videos yesterday. See it here:
Lamentable Musings
And finally, it seems that the Israeli perspective has taken a page out of the neo-con bible. Just because I believe that Israel’s “defending of itself” is excessive does not make me an anti-Semite. Does this ring a bell with anyone? If you spoke out against this war, when it was initiated, you were a terrorist-abettor and unpatriotic, to boot. Defending yourself usually means taking out the guys shooting at you, the missiles and the stockpiles of ammo, generally taking out anything that is doing harm. Last time I checked bridges, power plants, milk factories, hospitals, ambulances, water treatment plants and villages of civilians are not considered armaments.
There is still a question as to where the two Israeli soldiers were when they were kidnapped. The continuous labeling of those in Lebanon as “terrorists” is the key. The key word that has linked the dogma of the Israelis and the neo-cons. Anything can be done under this label – the reduction and the infringement of our rights, spying, incarceration without charge, destruction of entire countries and its peoples, ANYTHING. You whip people up with fear-mongering and you can do whatever you please. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International are now screaming “war crimes!” because of the overkill of force being used by the Israelis…and bush is what? Giving the only female leader in the room, the German, a shoulder rub…chewing his food with his mouth open…saying absolutely nothing? And our senate? Just as bad. Complete compliance with the “Israel is doing nothing wrong” mantra. What a proud moment.
Just another in a string of them.