I suppose that expecting the government to go after the true culprits in the Valerie Plame case would be as likely as seeing a suburban woman eat her young. It just stands to reason that any real effort would have to be from the outside. And who better than those that were targeted? I cannot understand the reasoning for anyone defending the actions of those involved in the outing of a CIA operative. In the suit, Plame states that this action caused her family and herself to be placed in peril. But what about other operatives that worked with her? How has this affected their careers? I don’t know if the scenarios exist, and she had to work with other operatives undercover posing as a couple, but you can see that can’t you? I was stunned by how gorgeous she is. You just never know, do you? I have to say that I am thrilled that a real effort will be made now to cut through all this spin and BS and get to what really happened. I am overjoyed to see Rove and Cheney front and center in this lawsuit as I believe they are the center of all that is evil in this administration.

Great news also in the end of the no bid- contract with Halliburton. Kind of got a little sick of seeing them get away with bilking the taxpayers, the troops and everyone else they could hold upside down and shake for loose change. Goodbye and good freakin’ riddance.

And now, gulp, to Israel.
I look at Israel geographically and it looks so wee. So tiny compared to all these other countries. And I do take into consideration that they are surrounded by people that want them gone. However, I heard an incredible interview with the Syrian ambassador Iman Moustapha. It was amazing because rarely do you see such blatant truth on the news. I was absolutely spellbound. You get so conditioned to hearing the same ole stuff spouted over and over again. He talked about how Syria is thrown under the bus by the US every time a conflict arises. The US is the only remaining superpower. It should be involved as a mediator, working with both sides, not flagrantly backing one side over the other. Previous administrations have always sent envoys, commissions to the areas in conflict to cool things down, to get them to calm down and work things out. What does this administration do? Sends no one. Incites by saying that Israel has a right to defend itself. He told it like it was on Hardball, and it was awesome. He said that the offer has always been on the table for Israel to come and work things out, the only requisite is that it gives back the occupied land it has that belongs to Syria. We don’t hear much about that. We don’t hear very much about the Israeli aggression against its neighbors. In fact, we only hear about it in response to some suicide bomber or “terrorist” attack. But there are always two sides to a story. Israel has notoriously harassed, assaulted and detained innocent Palestinians. There are thousands of prisoners in Israel that belong to the Arab nations. In fact, several times after a soldier kidnapping, Israel has exchanged prisoners in order to get their guys back. They have set the precedent of coming to the table in just this scenario, so why is it so different now?
I cannot stand the way bush says that Israel has a right to defend itself against terrorist attacks. In other words, if you aren’t big and strong and powerful enough to have an organized military and you fight using what you have – militias, guerrillas, insurgents, posses, gangs, whatever – you are a terrorist. So, now that Israel has attacked Lebanon, Lebanon has a right to defend herself right? And those that love Lebanon, say Iran and Syria and Turkey, they can all join in? That should make for a happy region. Moustapha said that his country has a good relationship with everyone in the region – all the Arab countries at least – and they are fed up with being demonized by the west. Do you blame them? This is what we do. We paint entire regions with a broad sweeping stroke that is erroneous in every conceivable definition of the word and action. It appears to me that Palestine elected, democratically, the group that they wanted in charge, Hamas. Isn’t it funny how our country and Israel can label the democratically elected group Hamas “terrorists” but the poop hits the fan when anyone dares to say the same about bush. Regardless, immediately they try to bring down the government by cutting off financial aid to the country. What exactly is that supposed to accomplish? Has that ever worked? All that did was prove how connected the Arab countries all are. All that did was divide Israel from everyone in the region, which frankly, we hold the gold in that arena. Dividing is what we do best!Unless we get someone (don’t even mention that bonehead Bolton!) who has some charisma, some sense of others’ cultures and sensitivities, someone who can point to at least the majority of these countries on a map, in there to work this all out, we are in for some serious, serious times. And you think gas prices are bad now, buddy, good luck getting rid of that Hummer (labeled Dumber by my sister in law – funny!) when gas hits ten bucks a gallon. What a pathetic, destructive waste. What a mess.


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