Multiple Musings
I’ve been buzzing along, putting up protest flyers, dropping investigative footage with a press release to the news stations, responding to info requests about the demo against the circus and this falls in my lap.

“Why don't you use your time and money to help the homeless people in Houston? Visit the hwy 59 area by George R. Brown to give a hand to the people living in the streets. Perhaps the circus can enploy someone like that, and even provide a place to live and food to eat. Please use your efforts to help the families in Africa, Inda or Guatamala who are dying of starvation. They live in straw huts and some are orphans because their parents are dead from the aids epidemic. I am sure your heart is in the right place, but there is so much need by humans too. Your great efforts could really make a difference in their lives. “

I don’t know this person.
Never met her.
And it will always, ALWAYS boggle my mind that someone feels that they can call into question someone else’s passions and actions without ever speaking to that person. What would compel someone to write something like this?

My response was as follows:
“My passion is the dependents of this world. It is not an either/or situation. I am involved with many, many causes that help dependent people - including but not limited to children, seniors, homeless, refugees, victims of violent crimes - as well as the dependent animals in this world. I believe that once we learn how to care for those most dependent on us, we will all be better at treating other adults. I understand the frustration of those that have to beg and plead for every dime going to the very deserving "people" needs seeing money and time being spent on animals. I get that. But it is my passion. As soon as the number of animals being tortured and abused diminish - for instance the 10 billion animals used in this country in the factory farming industry - then perhaps I will turn my attention elsewhere.
Thank you for your concern.”

This was of course, a re-write. I always write what I REALLY think first and then delete it and write one that won’t get me arrested for terrorist threats. It’s maddening though. Why not go and bitch at the people that are sitting around doing nothing for anyone? Why turn on people who obviously care deeply for something and spout that their missions are not as worthwhile as, say, yours? It’s insane. But it’s true that no matter what you do, there will always be critics. As my mom says, there will always be people who have to bring you down. No matter what you do, they find fault. What a wonderful way to live your life!

Insidious sniper.

I have had my eldest home for the past day or so. He went back to his dad’s Tuesday at 6. He went to a new camp this year, one for high school kids. The UM Army. Sounds like a deviation from our pacifist selves, but actually it is Christian based camp that gets these kids together and they do community service for a week. He came back looking so much more confident, taller even. He was the youngest, as usual, but he made some friends and learned to use power tools, so it was a good thing. He’s such a non-complainer. He didn’t complain about going to a work camp while his brother went to fun camp. He didn’t say anything about wanting to go to a different camp because he went to a work your butt off camp and he deserves a good time. Josh just goes along. At home anyway. I know that he is staunchly independent and the marcher of various different techno beats most of the time, but he is such a smart guy. He gets what is going on around him. He likes the trivial like every kid, but he loves the in depth, analysis of complex subjects. And his memory! Crazy. He quotes verbatim from movies and books he has seen or read five years ago. I can't remember which book I'm reading one day to the next.

We went and worked out Tuesday. I saw two girls that he went to elementary school with. They, of course, didn’t see me, they were absolutely transfixed by Josh, even going so far as to change machines and move right next to him. There he was on the treadmill, running while watching a DVD of South Park – completely oblivious. They haven’t seen him in five years, and he has changed a lot. But his complete unawareness of people, especially girls, attention is endearing. He’s like the tousled college professor that is constantly running through the halls with papers flying all over the place and girls staring. He hasn’t got the vaguest idea. I like that about him. I like that I can talk to him about issues that matter to me and he gets what I am talking about. He put video and the circus flyer on his my space page. He’s sensitive and kind. Funny. Terribly hard on himself. He’s just a really good kid.
I got to spend time with Cody last week. It never ceases to amaze me how sensitive he is. He is on the phone constantly, running up 10,000 minutes in one month – one month! But he is smart enough to know that he won’t get in any kind of trouble if he only talks to people on the same plan. Which he does. So we spend the standard amount on him every month. Clever boy. The girls call all day long, wanting to talk. He lays on the couch in the front room with the phone rooted into the crook of his neck playing FIFA 2006 on his playstation, offering advice and an ear. Thirteen year old boys don’t do that, do they? I could really go on for days because I find them both so fascinating.
But I’ll spare you.

I was surfing a little this morning and came across a solar lawnmower. Huh. I remember Josh and I trying to come up with something like that when he was ten. I recollect that we were met with big fat brick walls upon any inquiry into how to go about building one.
And that makes me think now.
The average lawn mower cutting grass for half an hour emits the same toxins into the air as a car driving 150 miles.

Americans use 800 million gallons of gas to cut their grass.
800 million!
Why is solar power not running at full throttle now? Here is this incredible source of energy just sitting up there. Why have we not tapped into it?
That’s actually a rhetorical question, because (achem) I know the answer.
The sun is free.
As soon as some bright spark figures out how to “own” the sun, then it will be a commodity that can be bought and sold and profited from. Until then, it’s just a blazing star in the sky casting light and heat. Much like the punks that decided that they could “own” seeds and therefore control food, I am sure there are people with dollar signs for eyes working somewhere on a very cunning plan to manipulate the solar capabilities.
Anyway the solar lawnmower actually looked do able.

This has been rolling around in my head for the past few days and I have to, surprisingly, express my point of view on this.

Ralph Reed.
You remember him.
The Christian Ken doll from the Christian Coalition?
He abandoned his post as captain when that ship began to sink, but he is still bobbing around in the murky waters of lobbyists and schemes. Anyway, he’s running for Lt Governor in that right? Yes, I’m sure it is. So he’s running for office. And there’s this terrible thorn story that won’t seem to go away. Turns out he accepted a lot, A LOT, of money (in the arena of 4 million dollars!) from those affiliated with the notorious Scanlon and Abramoff and the Native American tribes in Louisiana to stir up the good Christian folks (shudder, that word!) in Texas against gambling. Seems innocent enough…kinda. Turns out, he was getting all these people to write letters about not wanting gambling in Texas, being a sin and all, which the Native Americans in Texas were trying to get going. See that? He was using the Christian value system in order to block any competition Texas might present to Louisana. Of course, Texans didn’t want gambling…and of course all the ugliness that comes with gambling – i.e. drinking, swearing, the Sopranos, women in various forms of undress, you get the picture – so the good people who don’t want their state turned into something that would make them less than proud…….ok, I’ll leave that one alone because I think it’s fairly obvious what kind of tangent I could go on should I choose to, which I don’t. But Texans wrote and called and of course, Texas is a no gambling, except on horses, dogs, the internet, the golf course or over the phone with a bookie named Hank, and Louisiana has no competition to its right. But isn’t that a little twisted? That Ralph the Reed would somehow profit from quashing competition in a state in which he has no stake? When asked about this, he refuses to speak about this old news of which he was ‘totally exonerated’.
What exactly does a lieutenant governor do? Well, in essence, he is the “vice” governor. This guy who has been tied to all kinds of slimy shenanigans in the political world would be a vice governor.
The question: Where’s he headed?
The answer: Anywhere corporate America wants him.

Just like the “war on drugs” – isn’t that the funniest thing you have ever seen – “the war on drugs”?

The war on inanimate objects – ooooooo! Sooooo scarrrrry!
The war on Tylenol, the war on mouthwash, the war on the lamp shade.
I don’t know why I find that label so funny, maybe because, just like that label the “war on of terror” it is just absurd. Terrorists have always existed, as have drugs. And to wage war on them is to show our naiveté. There are always going to be people who will have to block out all the responsibility and pain of this world and numb themselves. There will always be people out there ready and willing to supply that need. There will always be people out there that are unhappy with the way things are going. People who feel oppressed and laden with the ills they see in their particular community. I have heard a lot of rumblings here lately over the “diplomacy” being used in dealing with North Korea. Isn’t it odd that the people most willing to scream “Drop the bomb! Kick their ass! Show’em who’s boss!” are the ones intrinsically protected from performing those tasks personally? Why is it that the people who are anti-choice are the ones who would never have to make that choice? Why is it that the people who are so pro-war, so unwilling to invest personally in it? We can’t even get our leaders to take responsibility for the reality that exists in the war they created!
What on earth?
It was Robert Kennedy Jr. who said it was amazing how many people in this administration were pro-war but had managed to sidestep any real physical involvement, as well as any real personal sacrifice in an armed conflict.
That sort of "kick their ass" mentality brings to mind the continuous use of the term “cut and run”. That whole cowardice bell they ring.
Let’s set this straight, shall we?
When you are the largest, the strongest on the block, you do not need to show your ability to kick butt, because everyone knows it already. They know that you have the biggest arsenal of weaponry, they know that you have the biggest gang of people who support you and have your back, they know that you have the most power and the most money.
When the biggest and strongest turns into a bully is when he feels he must go and stomp all over everyone and everything to announce to everyone that he is in fact the biggest and the strongest. That’s when everyone looks at the bully and says “You had such an opportunity here. You had the chance to be benevolent, to put into actions all the Christian and humanitarian good works that would be the global example of how to be. And you opt to go and invade a sovereign country. You choose to destroy and maim thousands upon thousands of innocent people.”

And you become malevolent.
We are now considered, in the eyes of the world, the abusers of human rights.

You can call the 400+ people penned up in Gitmo “terrorists” all you like, but in five years that these people have been kept imprisoned less than twenty have had charges brought against them. You can label them anything you want, which we have done, in fact, by calling them enemy combatants, in order to by-pass international law, but our credibility, our image in the world is tainted, almost, beyond repair. I know it is not in the nature of most Americans to give the proverbial rat’s bottom about what others think of them, but in this case, we need to. Our entire economy and, yes, our safety relies on the rest of the world. We are all woven so tightly together now that what happens in the smallest countries does actually have an effect on the larger ones.
We can stand on our pedestal waving our flags maniacally with all the best intentions in the world, but it does not make us righteous for as long as we are being so swaggering and disrespectful of others. We used illegal weapons in Fallujah. Did you know that? That we used chemical weapons on innocent civilians. Is it justified? Have you seen the photos? The ones of little toddlers with the telltale white powder and burns all over their dead little bodies? I have. It’s all over the Middle Eastern websites and news outlets. They show the dead. They show the babies with missing legs. They show all of it. And if you don’t think that creates an environment for recruitment I beg you to take two seconds and visualize your reaction to seeing your child, grandson, niece ripped to shreds by illegal, outlawed weapons in your little town. I wonder if you might be moved to stand up against whatever invading superpower, the only superpower, to avenge that baby’s death. Think I’m being too dramatic? Then go! Go and view them yourself. And instead of viewing these PEOPLE as terrorists and the enemy, view them with some humanity because all of them had family and friends and neighbors. All of them.

Not all of those killed, captured, tortured and imprisoned are terrorists. We would like to believe that our country wouldn’t hurt someone that was not a danger to this country, because that is the continuous lullaby by this administration.
We’re good people.
We care.
We give to charity.
We do Good Works.
We have morals.
We have standards.
And that might be true about the actual people of this country, but what is being done in our name is not good. It is not caring. It is not charitable. It is a far cry from Good Works. It lacks morals and any semblance of standard.
We are being marketed to. Plain and simple. We have ad execs in office that know what we want so desperately to believe about ourselves. In the meantime look at the reality.

This is an administration that is settled high on the perch of small government, but has there ever been a more intrusive time in our history? Government is involved in our personal lives mandating who we can marry or not marry, what we can do with our bodies in the very personal choice of pregnancy, they are surveilling our email, our phone calls, our bank records, they are photographing us at protests and demonstrations, whittling away at our rights all under this ridiculous all inclusive terror tactic of “the war on terror”. What a farce! When are we going to wake up!

Think about this. You are married to the person OF YOUR CHOICE. You share everything with this person, you are fundamentally tied, willingly, to this person. You are tied financially, spiritually, basically in all sense of the word, you are betrothed to this person. What’s the likelihood that you will venture out and start listening to virtual strangers about what you should do?
Our government, the vast majority of it, is in bed with big business. They have absolutely no reason whatsoever to give one microscopic crap about what the people think, except when election time comes rolling by. I don’t say this just about republicans I say it about all of them. It is too difficult, I think, to pass on that kind of cash and power. With the knowledge of how much a campaign costs, these guys all have heady aspirations and those aspirations take moola and networking. Lobbying legislation will NEVER be brought to light at the level needed, because why the heck would you limit the amount of money coming into your house? You would have to be insane! Or so incredibly principled that you somehow manage to see ahead to the corruption that this will bring, and back out. But how do you do it? I wonder. It’s easy being in my particular position with no connection to any of the manipulations and corruptions associated with being involved in politics. I don’t have the stomach for it. I’m not good at pretending to like people who I find inherently evil. But I wonder if a big fat wad of cash was presented to me, at the exact time that my boys are heading to college, or my husband and I are working towards starting our own business, I wonder just how principled I would be. What needs to happen is a third party, a grassroots organization, needs to come in and severe the relationship. It is parasitic and wrong. But it will be a complicated surgery. Like conjoined twins sharing organs complicated. But it has to be done. Because with this sort of relationship, one will inevitably dominate and “take over” the other. Either way, regardless of which is victorious, it will without question result in the demise of a great democracy.


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