I saw a bumper stick today - there was a picture of a cell phone and beneath it said "bush is listening, use big words".
I thought that was kinda funny.

Got a call from the camp nurse today. Cody was in there.
Hurt his thumb.
How'd you hurt your thumb, Code?
Um. Four red bulls.
Uh. What?
I had four red bulls.
Is that code for something?
Russell pushed me into a bunch of chairs which almost broke my leg, so I punched him.
You punched someone at church camp?
He deserved it.
Did you punch him with a red bull?
Four red bulls?
I had four red bulls.
You said that already.
I probably wouldn't have gotten so mad if I hadn't had all those red bulls.
What time did this happen?
11:45 at night.
Ah! Without the red bulls you would have been asleep.
That's right.
No more red bulls.
No more red bulls.
Go to the doctor and ask for an xray.


Hi. Are you ok?
Yeah. It's broken. I have to get a cast.
Seems to be the way the year is going.
First your foot and toes and now your thumb. It's the breaking year.
Ah. Yeah. Someone stole my wallet.
At church camp?
Yeah. The first day. But we found it behind someone's bed with all the money gone.
Is there prostitution and gambling going on as well?
Well, it just seems like a lot of stuff that, um, well isn't exactly the most "Christian" stuff going on...
Mom com'on! You know what church camp is all about!

True dat, Code man. Church camp is the week long camp where all the little repressed Christian boys and girls go to get their collective "freak" on. I have heard many stories about other campers bringing weed, beer, tequilla and other assorted "shooter" drinks. I have heard all about having an adult in the room that was so exhausted by "lights out" that they could all go to the lake and pool or wherever they wanted because the chaperone was passed out. Most of it is so incredibly innocent and typical.
But there is some stuff that occurs primarily because these kids have never been off the leash and when they come off, they go wild. Anything oppressed, kept down, upon the taste of freedom will be explosive. It just stands to reason. I also think mixed in there are kids that are considered "good kids" who know exactly how to kiss up to the adults and say all the right things, and then turn around and do just plain devious deviant stuff. I am always so stunned by how many kids go home to an empty house and an open internet. Home for hours alone with the phone and open access. So many parents do not know their kids.
I know there are drugs at these camps. I know there is alcohol. And some fooling around. There are teenage boys and girls together - it would be weird if there weren't any hook ups. But a lot of these kids have only a public school education or church doctrine to go on when it comes to sex, and sadly, both leave out a lot. To pretend that these kids aren't human beings experiencing what every post-pubescent male and female experiences is not only stupid, it's dangerous. It' s a lot like leaving a loaded gun on the table and then pretending it's not there.
It's there. And if you don't talk about every aspect of that gun, someone is going to get hurt.
Know your gun! That's all I'm saying.

Anyway, poor Code.
I have a sneaking suspicion, though, that he will receive much needed attention and comfort from the female campers.
Poor darling.


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