HSUS just issued a press release that today, peaceful and licensed seal hunt observers from the Humane Society of the United States are under siege from an angry mob of 60 people at a hotel in Quebec. When trying to travel to their helicopters this morning, the observers' cars were run off the road. They are now back in their hotel rooms, under siege at threat of violence, and unable to lawfully witness and film the atrocities of the seal hunt in progress today (yesterday in one day, 120,000 baby seals were blundgeoned or shot (estimated 10,000 slipped away in the water to die long painful deaths, and many were skinned while still alive). The sealers and the Canadian government don't want YOU to be able to see videos about the cruelties taking place.
The Canadian government is doing basically nothing about the siege (as they are a sponsor of the hunt themselves) and there are only 2 police officers at the hotel. HSUS has issued the below forwarded press release and help is being asked from the American Embassy.
If you have not yet called the Canadian Prime Minister's Office (ph. # below) to ask that the seal hunt be ended forever, there will never be a better time to do so than TODAY, as well as to speak your voice that the HSUS observers be protected AND allowed to observe and document the hunt.
From my cell ph. (and I have no special international plan), it only costs .42 a minute to call Canada...I just called and spoke for 3 minutes...it's the best $1.26 I've ever spent. I was actually instantly routed to a real person to hear my comments. I recommend a call over an email or fax if at all possible!
- I have seen videos of the hunt...I have seen for myself the unconscionable and needless cruelty
- I have boycotted all Canadian products and travel and have inspired a large number of others to do the same...and I am working tirelessly to educate as many people as I can about the cruelty of this hunt.
- I am shocked that a sealer boat purposefully charged and rammed a floating boat of the observers' last week and that now today the siege has happened, and that the Canadian government is not protecting and allowing the observers to lawfully document...and that this only validates to the world that the sealers AND the Canadian government have something to hide...the cruelty that they don't want the Canadian people and the world...to see.
- I am aware that due to thin ice and warm waters this year, the seal pup population has already been severely impacted, and the hunt apart from its cruelty is threatening the species!
- That I am aware that a mega-million dollar business woman in the U.S. offered $16,000,000 to serve as income for the sealers rather than the pelts of the seals...so that the hunt can be ended...and also offered to provide and help raise monies to establish a long-term eco-tourism business in Canada, where the sealer's income would come from stewarding seal-watching tourist activities which could be as lucrative as whale-watching is in many countries. I am aware that the prime minister REJECTED this offer. (Now, this is a big deal. Did you know about this? I hadn't a clue. This speaks volumes about what it is going to take to have Canada ban this hunt.)
- That I am sorry that the new Prime Minister, by supporting a small group (the sealers) and the seal hunt and the extreme cruelty of it, has allowed the global reputation of Canada and its people to be severely blemished.
- The seals do NOT belong to Canada...they are migratory...and they belong to the world.
Prime Minister's Office
Right Honorable Stephen Harper
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington St. Ottawa
Ontario, Canada K1A OA2
ph: 613-992-4211
Fax: 613-941-6900
E-mail: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
If you receive this email too late to call today, call tomorrow! Visit www.protestseals.org for updates and additional ways to help the seals.