So why all the hoopla about the Lamont/Lieberman primary race in Connecticut?

It strikes me as incredibly odd that all of a sudden so many people, from all over political spectrum, are so concerned about the double L race. Suddenly, conservative pundits are screeching about the incumbent’s 30 years of “service” - although I don’t believe they mean the kind of servicing that blows across my mind when I hear that phrase. Let’s take a peek into the psyche of the American people for a moment. Not the ones that seem to be interviewed or part of some poll for the 24 hour news agencies, but the ones at the gym, the grocery store, the schools, the average person on the street.

We have less money.
As much as the talking heads like to say the economy is robust and flourishing, we wise folks on the ground have begged to differ for well over a couple of years now. Our dollar does not buy what it used to. I am spending at least one third more on groceries, clothing and necessities. And we all know how much we’re paying for gas. There is the classic elitist excuse of – well you should be happy! You know how much they’re paying in Europe? Let’s shoot that argument down like so many clay pigeons. Europe has mass transit. They don’t have idiots like tom delay blocking public transportation in an effort to keep “those people” out of our pristine neighborhoods. So, hundreds upon hundreds of single person autos make they way back and forth on the ever expanding freeways. And public transportation is nonexistent. The cost of everything is blooming like so many springtime flowers, but at least in nature you can expect a cyclical end to the bloom, which we will never get from our economy. Because this administration has set the template of being a conservative which means spend on credit until your entire economy inflates until it bursts – in the form of a mushroom cloud.

Our environment stinks…literally
When our otherwise healthy kids who normally go out to play in the “fresh air” come back with asthma, something is amiss. I find it incredibly hypocritical that society chastises the kids regarding how much time they spend inside playing video games and watching tv, all the while allowing the government to open up our natural resources for corporations to plunder. Plowing down trees, filling in waterways, regurgitating toxins and filth into our air and directly into the lungs of the citizens of this country.

Donde esta
The energy efficient cars? Now I know I have said this before but it bears repeating. We can deem obsolete computers made three months ago, but the hybrid car is the best we can do? There is a new film out call “who killed the electric car?” Two guesses. I wonder how many people would think that, say, Al Gore and Robert Kennedy Jr. – two pro-environment advocates – acting as president and vice president, would think that they would do little to nothing to promote causes associated with the environment. Yet excuse after excuse is offered up for the addiction to oil and the lack of alternatives promoted by this administration. We are so far away from where we should be. This administration making real strides to change the addiction is like asking Gore as president to allow Yellowstone to be bulldozed for the development of an open-air mall. I live in the area that the oil people live. Anyone excusing the record profits of these companies is in bed with them.

Healthcare for everyone, helps everyone. Plain and simple. As much as the elite like to say that it would case catastrophic economic failures, as much as those who have never had to choose between healthcare and food like to say that it would retard research and development, the maintenance of the health of the masses just makes sense. A healthy population is a productive population. Tying healthcare coverage to the workplace just demonstrates how backward we are. If my husband gets sick, and he can’t work, we all lose our coverage. Oh, sure, we can get continuation of coverage at a cost that is absolutely out of reach. My husband gets sick, I have to go back to work, and then, who cares for him? It might all look like it makes sense on paper or out of the mouth of the idiots of hate radio, but it makes no sense in real life. You know, reality, where everyone besides those affiliated with this administration live.

The war
Now this is the thing that has been like running into a brick wall with me in regards to the double LL battle in Connecticut. All of a sudden the republicans and the fence sitters wring their hands saying – they are bludgeoning Lieberman for this one issue? This one issue?? What about his record? What about his platform? He’s been a straight up democrat all this time and they nail him on this one issue.
Now isn’t that odd?
Does anyone see the contradiction here?
The one issue that has been in our face for the past how many years?
The one issue that allows this administration to write 800 signing statements to law saying that he doesn’t have to abide by the law because of national security.
This one issue that allows us to illegal incarcerate hundreds of people.
This one issue that allows us to torture innocent civilians.
This one issue that allows us to use illegal weapons in Fallujah.
This one issue that has resulted in the death of thousands of people.
This one issue that has destroyed our international credibility.
This one issue that has made us the pariah of the global community.
Yeah, that one issue matters.

The WAR matters.
The fact that all of you got in bed with this administration and didn’t follow protocol. That you allowed the vice president to manipulate information for the reports that pushed us into Iraq. All of you are accountable. Every last one of you that voted to go to war with Iraq and handed over power to the worst resident evil of all time is responsible for the deaths of all our brave kids, all those women and children and old people that couldn’t get out of the way.

Obviously a very clear and distinct message is being sent to those that misrepresent us.
Start representin’, yo.
Not them.
Not the people that send you to Ireland or Spain or Aruba.
Not the ones that get you great seats at the theatre, the Yankee game or the superbowl.
Not the ones that give you cars and boats and vacation homes.
Not the ones that get you first class treatment at exclusive spas around the world.

Not the ones that bankroll your campaign.
Not the ones that get your kids into the best private schools and colleges.
Not the ones that give your family members bogus jobs and big fat paychecks.
Not them.
Because for all their money, for all their power, for all their influence, they have yet to figure out how to take the most powerful right we have.
They’re working on it, but they still haven’t got it.
Our power to vote your asses out.
And that is exactly what we are going to do.


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