Minor Musings
Woohoo! Little Christian Science Monitor reporter girl released after three months. Jill, is it? Jill Wheelen? Or is that the daughter of the captain on The Love Boat? Oh, well, nevermind. I’m happy she has been released.
Real quick about the kids protesting immigration. School district authorities say - You protest you will get either suspended or ISS. Being the parent of a two teenage boys I know ISS rilly, rilly well. In school suspension – where you sit in a room and miss instruction time but get handed a packet of work that is being done in class.
Here we go again with the BRILLIANCE of our modern school system.
Miss instruction time because you left school to go and protest a government action that might monumentally affect you and your community? Punishment? Miss more instruction time! HAHAHAHAHAHA! That’ll teach ya! Or not. Idiots.
And something that has become a bit of ritual – on my way to pick up my son in high school I tune in to Yawn Hannity to hear what he is railing about now. He was just moving to a piece that had “just been put on his desk!”
Five, count’em, five ex-secret court judges speaking to congress yesterday said that bush did nothing wrong in the “terrorist surveillance” aka warrantless wiretapping. HA! Yawn bellows! Where’s Russ F. now? Where are all the people who have hounding our commander in chief during wartime, screaming for censure, impeachment, even? This should be at the top of every hour on every station on television and radio and on the front page of every newspaper in the country. But is it? Nooooo. Bias liberal media keeps the real news suppressed away from my fine audience. Thank goodness you can get the truth here.
Because I had just finished reading the New York Times article on that very subject. The judges, one of whom had resigned from the court in PROTEST to the warrantless wiretaps, all refused to comment on the political hot button subject of illegality etc. but did say that the president is subject to the laws just like every other citizen in the US. I have a serious problem with people who twist the facts to fit their agenda. We all pick information out to emphasize our point, de-emphasizing the points that don’t support our cause as well. I think that’s pretty normal. Middle of the road, both sides equally represented, does not incite emotional responses. It’s boring. It’s blah. But making crap up is just plain wrong.
Whatever happened to those three guys who were arrested as terrorists in an O state a month or so ago? Haven’t heard anything on that.