After two emails and one letter, I received a response on bone-i-fied City of Houston email letterhead regarding the city's decision to have the ringling freakshow circus in town for 14 performances. Hopefully I will hear something from this guy.

Bill White - Mayor

P.O. Box 1562
Houston, Texas 77251-1562
Telephone – Dial 311

May 30, 2006

Penny Barrett Hornsby
Via E-mail:

Houston, Texas

Dear Penny,

Thank you for your e-mail I received May 12th regarding your views about circus animals. I appreciate having the benefit of your views, and I value your input.

I am forwarding a copy of your e-mail to Stephen Williams, Director of the Health and Human Services Department, for his review.

Bill White

cc/encl.: Stephen Williams, Director, Health and Human Services


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