I guess it's pretty well known now that something like 80+ churches decided to defy the separation of church and state with political sermons before the election.
Their tax exempt status was not revoked.
Now we have pastors, priests, preachers and other folks of said cloth wagging their fingers at parishioners for their possible votes for Obama. He is pro-choice...or rather as those that like to incite "pro-abortion" and therefore, doomed to eternal damnation and fast feet hot coal dancing.

Who's "pro-abortion"?
Who goes out and says I want to get pregnant so that I can live the joy of having a fetus sucked from my uterus?
And of course the implication with the alternative to "pro-life" is...anti-life? Pro-death?
Those hysterical frenzied masses that love to toss out the innocent baby images have no interest in solving the problem.
The problem being: unwanted pregnancies.
If they were interested in solving this problem, they would back the mass distribution of the "morning after pill". This way no conception occurs and no fetus develops. They don't want this available. It goes to the whole "personal responsibility" and abstinence until marriage creed they cling to. It just seems to me that this is counter to what God intends. If he wanted everyone to stay virginal until marriage...was he honestly expecting people to marry at 9,10,11...with the onset of puberty? Because isn't that what puberty is all about? Being able to procreate?
This is the contradiction that kids are facing today.
They are bombarded with images and content about sex and sexuality.
They are equally bombarded by church and parents (ESPECIALLY in the south!) about abstinence and virginity until marriage.
AND they are pushed to wait to get married until they are out of college and independent.
So what are talking about here?
Before you have sex?
Easily TEN YEARS after hitting puberty?
Why does God make men sexually peak at 18?
So they will be completely disinterested by the time they're married?
It's a bunch of human bullshit dabbling in stuff they know nothing about.
I have no issue with safe sex.
I don't.
And if something happened and one my boys came to me about a broken condom and worries about pregnancy, I would make sure that I got a morning after pill for the girl in question.
Because as lovely and wonderful and blessed children are, they are a huge responsibility. AND they deserve to be born into an environment of love and compassion and nurturing and maturity. You will rarely find that with a 17 year old.
I don't want churches preaching to my kids or to me that a vote for a certain candidate threatens my place in heaven. it is absolutely against the law of God. My place is secure. Regardless of when my kids have sex, regardless of my voting record.
It is time to get away from the unsolvable problem of abortion and get on the real solution - sex education, safe sex practices, free sexual health checkups and birth control.


Anonymous said…
AND they deserve to be born into an environment of love and compassion and nurturing and maturity.

You should have stopped after "they deserve to be born"...that pretty much says it all.

And the spiel about personal responsibility? Yeah, cuz that's a bad thing?
How very unusual for an "anonymous" poster to cherry pick two words and take them completely out of context.

Why not address the issue as is stated? Focusing on reducing unwanted pregnancies by making prevention available to all and educate our citizens in all aspects of birth control? Instead of throwing your silly inflammatory daggers, why don't you grow up and deal with the premise of the post.
And FYI - You cannot preach personal responsibilty and not offer education and choices.
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