Thank you to the reader that made me aware that chaining dogs in Texas is illegal! Where the heck have I been?
House Bill 1411 states

(4) "Restraint" means a chain, rope, tether, leash,
cable, or other device that attaches a dog to a stationary object
or trolley system.
Sec. 821.077. UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT OF DOG. (a) An owner may
not leave a dog outside and unattended by use of a restraint that
unreasonably limits the dog's movement:
(1) between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.;
(2) within 500 feet of the premises of a school; or
(3) in the case of extreme weather conditions,
including conditions in which:
(A) the actual or effective outdoor temperature
is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit;
(B) a heat advisory has been issued by a local or
state authority or jurisdiction; or
(C) a hurricane, tropical storm, or tornado
warning has been issued for the jurisdiction by the National
Weather Service.

In my previous post I didn't state that I have been seeing a red colored dog chained to a tree for a while now. Hurricane Ike blew through and exposed the misery of this animal by tearing away the fence safeguarding the owner's cruelty. Tethered to a tree it sits there day in day out with a ridiculously large chain attached to its collar. I found out from Animal Control that the owners have other dogs that they allow in the house...only that one sits alone exposed to the elements all day and night. Why have it? Why have an animal that is merely yard decor? Get a statue and give the dog to someone that will take it for a walk, feed it, stroke and love it. Why torture an animal that is completely dependent on you? Why completely screw it up emotionally, making it aggressive and unsocialized? You hear about people who victimize one of their children..while the other go about their lives as if nothing is happening. While one is tortured beyond comprehension. I don't know what snaps in people. Why they would focus all their aggression and frustration and psychosis on a single individual but it is up to us, it is up to society to keep our eyes open. To notice. To pay attention. We have to stop abuse whenever it occurs. Seeing someone belt their kid in the store cannot go without comment and action.
Witnessing unlawful behavior, we must act. We must step up. It is imperative. Most think that the demise of our society has something to do with God being taken out of the schools and a lack of moral teaching. I believe it is something different. I believe it is a lack of empathy. Sometimes that needs to be taught. Once you have empathy for others, you can't hurt them. You can't physically torture. You can't neglect. Because you feel their pain. You experience the misery. We as a society have to start putting ourselves into the position of those that are dependent on our benevolence.
When you see a kid being bullied, step in.
When you see a parent slapping the little body of a child, step in.
When you see a child hurt an animal, step in.
When you see an adult behaving cruelly, step in.
And in Texas, if you see a tethered dog, report it, citing the House Bill (which is now an Act) 1411 making that action illegal.
We owe it to those dependent upon our goodness.


Are you farmiliar with Dogs Deserve Better?
Yes, I have just become aware of it.

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