So what was the prediction?
That McCain, by "suspending" his campaign and returning to Washington to bring about a resolution to the economic crisis (an area that he has stated he hasn't a full understanding), the negotiations would be "politicized" and deteriorate into bi-partisan bickering.
And, by golly, what happened?
The republicans got us into this mess and now they suddenly are refusing to help solve it.
Personally, I don't want the bailout.
But at the same time, this isn't only about saying no to the bigwigs that the republicans helped to create, it is about our economy and doing nothing isn't an option.
Legislation had been amended to include an oversight committee that would monitor the distribution of funds, a slow release of funds, the removal of the wording in section 8 as well as other provisions.
To be honest, I think this is the republican attempt at an October the end of September. By making the democrats clean up the mess and appear to be working with the most unpopular president in the history of America, they keep their hands clean and McCain gets to look like he is the man of the people.
Mr. Deregulation himself.
The whole thing is pathetic.


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