I know that there have been other stories that have captured the interest of the media and the public but this is an important story. The fact that millions of pounds of toxic waste have been dumped into East Tennessee demonstrates the danger of coal and its usage. When those that come in contact with this stuff and inevitably develop cancer and other ailments, they will have to manage alone through private healthcare and sit through years of legal wranglings. Pathetic. We need clean energy. This is but one reason why. From the New York Times December 30, 2008 At Plant in Coal Ash Spill, Toxic Deposits by the Ton By SHAILA DEWAN In a single year, a coal-fired electric plant deposited more than 2.2 million pounds of toxic materials in a holding pond that failed last week, flooding 300 acres in East Tennessee, according to a 2007 inventory filed with the Environmental Protection Agency . The inventory, disclosed by the Tennessee Valley Authority on Monday at the request of The New York T...
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I have a deep love for animals..I guess that really goes without saying. But I have favorites. One is the elephant. I suppose their massive size, their intellect and their strong sense of family and community has something to do with it as well as the horrific abuse they have endured. Circuses that use exotic animals have to be a thing of the past. Period. There is no way to train the largest land mammal on the planet without violence. Please support the actions below: Federal Lawsuit against Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus for Elephant Abuse goes to Trial More than eight years ago, the Animal Welfare Institute, former Ringling Bros. employee, Tom Rider, and three other national animal welfare organizations first filed suit against Ringling Bros. and its parent company, Feld Entertainment, for the mistreatment of Asian elephants under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Following countless legal challenges by the defendants, this groundbreaking lawsuit is finally going ...
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Animal Rights Musings It appears that Britney has made a comeback with an album titled circus that came in at number one. I have nothing against Britney, in fact, I wanted her to get her life together as I know how much two little guys desperately need their mom. But then I see the video. I know the innocent, clueless demeanor is her "thing" but using wild animals in a video? Really? For all the information out there, there is no excuse to not know what is going on. Reports have come out now that show documented evidence that elephants in captivity - zoos, circuses and other places - live 1/3 as long as elephants in the wild. That's accounting FOR poaching. Why? I guess it might have something to do with torture and stress. Every facility that harbors elephants uses some form of punishment - bullhooks , electrocution, etc. - as these are the largest land mammals on the planet and it is hard to get them to stand on those little tiny stools or do other unnatural acts with...
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Pretty happy this morning for reasons I will explain later. Got to work and put my lunch in the frig. Went to the ladies room. Something that I have started doing is covering the toilet seat. Not sure why, I just do. If there aren't covers, I'll lay toilet paper in strips around the seat. Cozy. Anyway, did that whole o/c ritual, washed hands and left. Grabbed my tea and as I was headed back to my office someone came up and said there was someone outside who had a meeting with our director at 7:30. It was now quarter to eight so I thought the least I could do was get him in out of the cold and have him sit inside. I went and fetched him, led him to the kitchen for a cup o'java because that's how I roll. Led him to a seat in the foyer as he strode behind me talking about being an engineer for some unfamiliar firm. I sat him down, turned and went into my office. The admin asst, Grace, came in and told the guy (and me) that the meeting was in a different place. I led him a...
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There's something amazing about satisfaction. I am finding that cool, calm, balanced place is a wonderful residence. There's the euphoria of joy, the exhilaration of falling in love, the sweeping blackness of sadness. Those ups and downs have always been a place I haven't minded residing. But I have found a wonderful place called satisfaction. Where I feel an overwhelming sense that all is right with my world. Normally this would be a temporary time, a day where all that I wanted to accomplish, do, see, be would come together. That, in the past, is how that has always been. But recently I have found that what I have accomplished in a day, is as much as I wanted to accomplish. What I have seen, what I have done, what I have been has been enough. I love my job. I love my family. My husband is my best friend and the love of my life. My children are the light of my life. My best girl friend has found love. That had been an obstacle to the destination of satisfaction for me that...
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My son finds Thanksgiving confounding. Why do we celebrate a event which led to the decimation of indigenous people? It's one thing to celebrate something before you truly acknowledge the actual incident. I grew up with the whitewashed version of history - very little Hispanic, African, Indigenous influence. I got the whole happy Indians helping out the white folk version...with very little background on what was the standard operating procedures for Euro-Adventurers. For a very prestigious school, I got a very skewed version of history. Thinking about it though, it is in keeping with how few minorities were allowed in...that weren't part of the staff. But now that we know what Thanksgiving really symbolizes, shouldn't we modify? I know we try to paint it as a great opportunity to count our blessings and such. But shouldn't we do that on a more regular basis anyway? I mean, shouldn't we be thankful for the supportive people in our lives, the love we get from our f...
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I saw the most recent video taken in one of the many nondescript places where they slaughter turkeys. I saw it about a week ago but I am still having nightmares about it. How do you stomp, repeatedly, on the head of a defenseless animal, over and over again, turn away while it desperately tries to right it self, how do you insert a rod into the anus of an animal in your care and rupture its bowel...and then go home at night, cuddle your kids, pet your dog and sleep peacefully? How do people get so desensitized? I would think that you are around all this noise, this terribly stifling ammonia saturated, unventilated building with wards that flap and run and squawk and resist, I would think that if you do this for any length of time, it wears you down to the point that you don't care anymore. You not only don't care. You hate. You hate where you are. You hate how little money you make. You hate how you smell. You hate how you feel. And the only ones that you can take all ...
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Pre -Thanksgiving What am I thankful for...not just today, but what do I think about on a fairly consecutive basis that fills me with gratitude? That I don't smoke anymore. I have to say, I am so thankful on a regular basis that I was able to kick that habit. The control over everything I did was staggering, looking back. I am grateful. That I exercise daily - yoga changed my life. Running and then doing self paced yoga centers me and makes me calm. It is terribly obvious when I have skipped a day. That I found the love of my life. Lance may have some shortcomings but he puts up with mine, and for that I am eternally grateful. That I was able to experience the joy, the stress, the roller coaster that is motherhood. I adore my boys. I am stunned by their beauty, their brilliance, their gifts and their very kind souls. That I have a good relationship with my immediate family. That's nothing to scoff at. A lot of people hate their siblings and parents. I look forward to being w...
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My friend, my best friend besides my husband, my mom and sister, is in love. I see it in her eyes, on her face, in the way she carries herself and in her energy. It is a soul inspiring thing. Especially when you are able to catch that buzz and extend it to your own relationship. I have known Lance for almost 16 years and we are on year ten of marriage. And I still adore him. He still takes my breath away. Still makes me laugh so hard I have to tell him to stop. Still get tingles up the back of my neck when I see him. Still feel the tightness in my chest when I think of him. Still feel the rush. I can totally relate to my dear friend. It is the best feeling in the world. It's why people are always searching for it. It is a feeling of completion. A feeling of high without drugs or alcohol. And when it's reciprocated. Wow. It's the most magical, most euphoric sense one can ever hope to achieve. I am so happy for her. She deserves all the happiness in the world.
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Thank you to the reader that made me aware that chaining dogs in Texas is illegal! Where the heck have I been? House Bill 1411 states (4) "Restraint" means a chain, rope, tether, leash, cable, or other device that attaches a dog to a stationary object or trolley system. Sec. 821.077. UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT OF DOG. (a) An owner may not leave a dog outside and unattended by use of a restraint that unreasonably limits the dog's movement: (1) between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.; (2) within 500 feet of the premises of a school; or (3) in the case of extreme weather conditions, including conditions in which: (A) the actual or effective outdoor temperature is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit; (B) a heat advisory has been issued by a local or state authority or jurisdiction; or (C) a hurricane, tropical storm, or tornado warning has been issued for the jurisdiction by the Na...
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I used to go to the gym at five in the morning to work out on the eliptical and rowing machines. It was nice to get it over with. Later, in the evening, I would go back to the gym to do yoga. We ended our gym membership mostly because I freakin ' hate gyms (but that's another story) and it was m0 ney down the drain for my family that rarely used the membership to its fullest potential. I struggled with motivation for a while and not being able to find the right balance. But I have finally found it. I run two miles in the evenings with one of the dogs, come home and head straight upstairs . I shut the door to the master bedroom, dim the lights, put a new agey , spa station on XM , grab my mat and start my yoga. Not listening to others grunt, inevitably yak , or the instructions of the leader has been more than I ever imagined. Taking my time with poses, focusing in the areas I want to focus in on, breathing, pushing myself, it really has been cathartic. The run starts out stif...
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It's funny how easy it is to minimize things that we don't really want to take the time to investigate and analyze. We are all busy in our lives. Parents running around working full time, grocery shopping, carting kids here and there, picking up last minute supplies, meeting with teachers, maintaining the home and transportation. Single people doing the same thing...just not multiplied by as much. They have to endure the stress of (gasp) dating, which I can't even fathom having to find the energy for. So when we drive by a house and see a dog chained to a tree with a bowl and little else, it is easy to think that it has access to water and the shelter of the tree...surely it must be fine. But I ask you to stop and think about it for a moment. The length of that tether determines the the amount of world that animal will experience. 3 ft? 4? 6? 8? An eight foot radius. In which to sleep. Eat. Defecate. Urinate. Eight feet suddenly doesn't seem like much. It's beginnin...
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I did a search "what do gays want"...primarily because there's a lot of false information presented to look like fact. I think....what's the big deal? I mean there are a lot of people that don't believe in marriage. It's a legal thing anyway. Legitimizing the responsibilities in a legal sense. So, why do gays want it? It makes it way harder to leave. Suddenly you're in court splitting things, dividing time for the children, like so much pumpkin pie. One piece for you, one for me. Your piece is bigger! You get the picture. It's never pretty. So why not just cohab ? And then I read the following. ( http://www.villagevoice.com/2004-02-24/news/i-d-leave-the-country-but-my-wife-won-t-let-me/1 ) Here are some excerpts... I want to be a full citizen, with this woman [her partner, Sarah], today. I want to do whatever it takes, sacrifice whatever is necessary, go wherever I have to, for that to be so. I want to be taxed equally. I want my Social Security benefi...
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I guess it's pretty well known now that something like 80+ churches decided to defy the separation of church and state with political sermons before the election. Their tax exempt status was not revoked. Now we have pastors, priests, preachers and other folks of said cloth wagging their fingers at parishioners for their possible votes for Obama. He is pro-choice...or rather as those that like to incite "pro-abortion" and therefore, doomed to eternal damnation and fast feet hot coal dancing. Who's "pro-abortion"? Seriously? Who? Who goes out and says I want to get pregnant so that I can live the joy of having a fetus sucked from my uterus? And of course the implication with the alternative to "pro-life" is...anti-life? Pro-death? Those hysterical frenzied masses that love to toss out the innocent baby images have no interest in solving the problem. The problem being: unwanted pregnancies. If they were interested in solving this problem, they would ...
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In homage to those again denied their basic rights, hang in there. People will acquiesce. It is now a matter of time. Public opinion is changing. It's impossible, I know. Like seeing a child in an abusive situation until the paperwork is done for CPS. Or waiting for people to care about the plight of animals. It's heartbreaking. It's not fair. It's painful. But it will change. If we can finally elect a minority to run the country, there is hope. You will get the rights you deserve. Why Can't I Own a Canadian? October 2002 Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following is an open letter to Dr. Laura penned by a east coast resident, which was posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as informative: Dear Dr. Laura: Thank you fo...
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There are nights that for the life of me I cannot close my eyes. I am not a "worrier", at least not in the same category as my mother and sister. I do worry about things but not compulsively. I don't look for things to worry about. I do have a tendency for "continued education" which to me is refreshing my passion for animal rights through video. There are many people that I know that cannot do it. They cannot bring themselves to watch the videos that show the plight of elephants & tigers in circuses or zoos, turkeys and chickens in factory farms, cows and pigs in slaughterhouses. It haunts them. It scars them. I understand this. But to be honest, it scars the animals a helluva lot more than it can ever scar us. So many people that I know think I am so principled. I find that counfounding. I don't consider myself excessively principled. I am, however, excessively haunted. Every video stays with me. And every time I see a burger, bacon, cheese, eggs, thos...
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When Palin was tapped to be the republican VP , I did a little research. Just beneath the fluff, there were stories about her refusal to be briefed. She had no patience for coaching or training, choosing to be off the cuff and more natural. Which I do understand, in all honesty. No one wants to sound like a robot repeating factoids in rote fashion. But when one enters a new realm, especially one with so much exposure, so much scrutiny, I would think that anyone would defer to those that have experience and follow their directions. Palin , it appears, refused to do so. She balked at any training or instruction which led to her catastrophic interviews. She didn't know that Africa is a continent...not a country. She didn't know the countries involved in NAFTA. I don't think knowledge thwarts one's personal style. I believe that you can deliver thoughts and knowledge with a personal flair that separates you from everyone else. That's why Obama was such a phenomenon. Hi...
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And so it begins... News like this will begin as a trickle...ending in a torrent of negatives under the Palin column. NEWSWEEK has also learned that Palin's shopping spree at high-end department stores was more extensive than previously reported. While publicly supporting Palin, McCain's top advisers privately fumed at what they regarded as her outrageous profligacy. One senior aide said that Nicolle Wallace had told Palin to buy three suits for the convention and hire a stylist. But instead, the vice presidential nominee began buying for herself and her family--clothes and accessories from top stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus. According to two knowledgeable sources, a vast majority of the clothes were bought by a wealthy donor, who was shocked when he got the bill. Palin also used low-level staffers to buy some of the clothes on their credit cards. The McCain campaign found out last week when the aides sought reimbursement. One aide estimated that she spent ...
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Newspapers Publications circulations are down, all across the country. Some say that it is because of the liberal swing, the media bias towards Obama. This is a stretch. The trend has been a move away from print publications for a while now because almost everyone has access to the internet where all major and minor news sources live. One need not blacken her fingers in an attempt to sure up awareness on current events. No! Now we need only click a link to gain access to the writings of left and right leaning contributors to all publications. And what a glorious thing it is! Now I can go to Al Jazeera , Wapo , CNN, Fox, BBC, NYT , as well as local sites, and tap into the views of other global occupants. I wonder what the numbers are for traffic to news sites. I guarantee that especially during this election season that they are multiplying exponentially. There's also the fantastic additional benefit that we are saving trees by reducing the number of print news sources. Going onl...
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Rep. Robin Hayes, R-N.C., maintained last week that, "Liberals hate real Americans that work, and accomplish and achieve." Such notions get traction quickly in today's age of instant communication. Walk around Durango High School, where the crowd was waiting for a McCain rally to start, and people spoke glowingly of the Vietnam hero's kinship with "real America." "It's something Barack Obama can't possibly know, because he's not one of us. It's like the way (Richard) Nixon was able to talk to the hard hats," said Jim Wilson, a district attorney. Reese Resnick , a Durango oil and gas industry salesman, grew up in a small Texas town, the only son in a family of seven. "I had to work for everything I got. That's what I was taught, and Sarah Palin understands that," he said. "People like Obama, they get driven in vans all over Washington. Palin's a working mom." It's the craziest catch 22. If black pe...
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Just so we are clear There seems to be some confusion or rather, stubborn- ness , on the right in regards to this whole ACORN thing. It is not voter fraud. It is "possible" registration fraud. Which was brought to light by those that review the registration forms, fact check, ensure that the information is correct, and then submit those forms to the appropriate authorities to register a voter. Voter fraud would be someone coming in and voting under Albert Einstein with ID that said he was Albert Einstein and then returning to vote as Benjamin Franklin with an ID that said he was Benjamin Franklin. The ridiculous way that the right, mostly the very far neocon territory right are the ones that keep repeating this false information. Of course, not acknowledging voting machine tampering in 2000 or 2006, voter records expunged, intimidation and threats, nor will the acknowledge that a republican was busted for registration fraud in California. ACORN has been a great organization ...
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No to Dismissing the Nuts We've heard it repeatedly - a few extremists, fringe, a sprinkling or a handful of nuts - that shout out or say an off color comment or bring a stuffed animal - preferably a monkey - with an Obama name tag or with shirts saying " Palin is a c@#t". Let's not focus on them, they are a minority, a smattering, a minuscule contingency that are bound to pop up from time to time. Yeah. Like in a UT clock tower. Or grassy knoll. Or with a gun pointed at a hotel balcony. Or with an arsenal at a university. Yeah. They pop up and if you act like they aren't there, you empower, you embolden them and they do the biding, or what they believe the biding is, of their "repressed" or "humiliated" people. It doesn't take much. Just say that an organization is going to destroy the fabric of America and before you know it - that organization is broken into and workers are receiving death threats at home and at work. Menacing threat...
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I guess that everything pales in comparison. I am deeply, deeply saddened that this exists. It breaks my heart that an entire group of people have to deal with this sort of vitriol undercurrent. This was on Pam's House Blend where she also had a man with an Obama sticker wrapped around the head of a curious george doll. He waved it around, guffawing and thinking himself so clever. Later, inside, the MSM focused in on him and suddenly, he didn't seems so brazen, opting to remove the sticker while looking innocently around and then handing the doll to a child. Obama sock puppets and monkeys seem to be all the rage. What a proud moment in American history. I can't wait until I get to explain this Americana to my grand children.
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It just seems to get worse........ This weekend Palin repeated the McCain press release, prior to the report's release, that she had been exonerated in any illegal or unethical behavior in relation to Troopergate. Even telling someone, read the report, sir. Doh! Did she not read the part about the justification for the desire to get rid of this trooper - the tasering, the threats, the abuse - were not believed by the commission? Did she not read that they believed that she was remiss in controlling the abuse that was going on in her office, under her nose and that she did indeed violate the public trust? Exactly were is that moral compass she relies so heavily on? Just because you get someone else to do your dirty work, does not mean your hands are clean. Oh. Yeah. Sorry. I forgot. She really doesn't read, does she? My bad.
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So, McCain corrected some supporters about their fear should Obama become president and that he is not, in fact, an Arab....(?), and in turn received kudos across the board for stepping up and....correcting people. Even a nod from Obama thanking him for stepping up. I feel like I am looking through one of those crazy fisheye lenses with the Twilight Zone swirling overriding my vision. Honestly. That's what I feel like. Since when do we say wow, amazing, awesome, when someone says - uh, sorry, this is the fact. I mean, talk about your "no grades just stars for everyone!" mentality. Sorry. No. If someone stood up and said to Obama that McCain was an alien, from Mercury, would we have the same reaction? To his credit, Obama told the guy, no, that's not correct, he's a decent guy, a citizen, wow doesn't that make him a great guy!! No. It doesn't. It just makes him a guy that corrects people when they are categorically wrong. Period. But then you turn around, a...
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Obama on Ayers: 'I assumed that he had been rehabilitated' From Ben Smith's Blog on Politico In an interview with the sympathetic conservative talk radio host this afternoon, Obama offered the clearest explanation yet of how an extremely careful politician allowed himself anywhere near a former '60s radical who would become a Republican target in this year's presidential campaign. Obama "had assumed" from Bill Ayers' stature in Chicago, he told the Philadelphia-based Michael Smerconish , that Ayers had been "rehabilitated" since his 1960s crimes. In the interview, which was taped this afternoon and will air tomorrow, and which you can listen to above, Obama recalled moving back to Chicago after law school, and becoming involved in civic life there. "The gentleman in question, Bill Ayers, is a college professor, teaches education at the University of Illinois," he said. "That's how i met him -- working on a school reform p...