Clinton Wallace Smackdown
I saw it. I reviewed after hearing hateradio's version, thinking that somehow I had missed part. I had not. Just the usual dj spin doctors. I'll have it, in its entirety when my son gets home and posts it for me.
My opinion:
Wallace was supposed to give Clinton 15 minutes on topic. He gave 4. He then opened the door to something completely unrelated. Clinton is a ROCK STAR. There is no other way to say it. Go to youtube and view it for yourself. His facts are indisputable. His take is dead on. I wish he was the democratic strategist for us right now but he is focused on other things.
It's the continuous twisting of facts that make me sick. The twisting to suit an agenda. You cannot assail someone repeatedly with false allegations, with innuendo, with false information and expect them to sit back and remain cool and composed. I don't believe his reaction was even over the top. It was ardent. It was emphatic. It was pointed. But the screamer was hannity asking wallace if he felt threatened. LOL! OMG! These guys never quit. The biggest problem we have in this country is the egregious assault on factual information. The truth is spun. It's nauseating. Kind of like the little animation that one of the networks had when discussing this whole e coli outbreak. They showed two happy cows in a green pasture, in the open, next to a freakin' stream. It was a way to show how feces could end up on the spinach. The REALITY is there are HUGE, monster sized pools of liquid feces from these gargantuan warehouses of intensely confined animals and there is this little problem of these pools seeping into the water supply. Not by Bessie the cow standing by a river taking a dump but by millions of gallons of liquid poo sitting in a pool waiting for a flood, a strong wind, or the shifting of the earth to unleash this toxic sewage into our food and water supply. That's the reality. Those are the facts. Present the facts. That's what you are supposed to do as a reporter, as a jounalist, as news media outlet. Offer the news, without your take and give us a little credit for figuring out what it all means.
Clinton is still the best president in my lifetime. I don't care what anyone else says. He is beloved around the country and around the world for a reason. Bush's own dad spends more time with Clinton than with Dubya. That should tell you something.
I saw it. I reviewed after hearing hateradio's version, thinking that somehow I had missed part. I had not. Just the usual dj spin doctors. I'll have it, in its entirety when my son gets home and posts it for me.
My opinion:
Wallace was supposed to give Clinton 15 minutes on topic. He gave 4. He then opened the door to something completely unrelated. Clinton is a ROCK STAR. There is no other way to say it. Go to youtube and view it for yourself. His facts are indisputable. His take is dead on. I wish he was the democratic strategist for us right now but he is focused on other things.
It's the continuous twisting of facts that make me sick. The twisting to suit an agenda. You cannot assail someone repeatedly with false allegations, with innuendo, with false information and expect them to sit back and remain cool and composed. I don't believe his reaction was even over the top. It was ardent. It was emphatic. It was pointed. But the screamer was hannity asking wallace if he felt threatened. LOL! OMG! These guys never quit. The biggest problem we have in this country is the egregious assault on factual information. The truth is spun. It's nauseating. Kind of like the little animation that one of the networks had when discussing this whole e coli outbreak. They showed two happy cows in a green pasture, in the open, next to a freakin' stream. It was a way to show how feces could end up on the spinach. The REALITY is there are HUGE, monster sized pools of liquid feces from these gargantuan warehouses of intensely confined animals and there is this little problem of these pools seeping into the water supply. Not by Bessie the cow standing by a river taking a dump but by millions of gallons of liquid poo sitting in a pool waiting for a flood, a strong wind, or the shifting of the earth to unleash this toxic sewage into our food and water supply. That's the reality. Those are the facts. Present the facts. That's what you are supposed to do as a reporter, as a jounalist, as news media outlet. Offer the news, without your take and give us a little credit for figuring out what it all means.
Clinton is still the best president in my lifetime. I don't care what anyone else says. He is beloved around the country and around the world for a reason. Bush's own dad spends more time with Clinton than with Dubya. That should tell you something.