So...when did you stop beating your kids?

What is inherently impossible about this whole Ayers non-issue is the proof.
How does one prove a non-relationship?
How does one prove something that doesn't exist.

All this rattling about a 60's domestic terrorist when Obama was 8, turned college professor with a specializing interest in local schools, can go nowhere. Obama has been vetted for 20 months. If there was a smoking gun - perhaps grainy video of them sitting somewhere tete-a-tete, in deep conversation, or correspondence or something that would give this issue legs, then the media, always looking for a scandal or way to knock someone off the pedestal, would have run with it.

They have not.

How do I prove that my neighbor, who welcomed me into the neighborhood by having a block party, who happens to be member of the Black Panther Party and also sat on the PTA with me as well as participated in several school programs and organizations, is not a close personal friend? How do I prove that I knew about his past? How do I prove that we didn't go out for coffee and subversion after meetings?

I can't.

I can't because life is not like that. Constant verification, documentation of everything one does borders on the neurotic obsessive compulsive extreme. I don't have a camera crew tracking my every move, and before he ran for office neither did Obama. How can he prove no relationship?
Even if Ayers himself came out and said we barely know each other, it wouldn't stop the rumors, the negative attacks for a struggling campaign.
Because if you can make people question, wonder if there's any truth, then you have succeeded in your aim.
This morning my son asked what is he supposed to say to fellow students that say they don't like Obama because he won't say the pledge of allegiance. These kids are echoeing family conversations.
It is hard pulling these weeds out, as the roots of so many ills in our country run very deep.

PS That whole Black Panther thing is made up as an example....just so you know.


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