Quick shout out to the bush administration for ending the silly machismo goofiness with Iran and acting like big people.
Holla! Now just work it out.
Once again, sigh, back to the melodrama created by the X. Every year he has to let me know by April 1st when he will have the boys over the summer holidays. Once I get that, I have until April 15th to pick a weekend during that time to pick them up and drop them off and another weekend during the summer that he would normally have them (1st, 3rd, or 5th) that I choose to keep them home.
Sounds so incredibly simple.
I get a letter from him stating when he will have the boys on March 30th and on April 8th I send a letter saying I will have the weekend of June 9 – 11 to come pick them up and drop them off. Please let me know as soon as possible if the address or location is different than the home address.
Easy. Simple.
That’s April 8th.
On May 27th he comes to pick the boys up for the first half of their summer visit. Half an hour later, Josh calls. Whispering, he tells me that X had told him they were going to a dude ranch…….that’s right…..a dude ranch from June 8th through the 12th, that he had informed me and that I would not be driving all that way to pick them up.
A. I never received notification.
B. I would drive all that way to pick them up.
I tell him not to worry, thanks for the call and I would figure something out. The next day I get an email from Josh with the name of the dude ranch. We call the owners of the dude ranch.
The stepmother called on April 12th….yes, that’s correct, four days after I had notified them and three days before the deadline for my declaration that I was going to choose the weekend of June 9 – 11, they, in turn, call a dude ranch and make arrangements to be out of town on my weekend.
And this is from someone who is screaming poverty, thus the $300 per month in child support for two teenage boys .
Now, if this were some kind anomaly that would be one thing. But last year it was remarkably similar.
First he claimed that I had missed the 15th deadline, having received it on the 16th. It goes by the postmark.
Then he said that he was going to be in Colombia. Interesting since I have the passports and he has to get my ok.
I chose a different weekend and he said that it was, as I knew (NOT!), that it was his birthday weekend. I told him that I couldn’t find in the orders where it stipulated anything regarding his birthday overriding my choice, so that was that.
He takes the boys to New Orleans. During my weekend.
It’s all so pathetic. It could be different and it was for the two years he had a flash of conscience and made an effort for the boys, but that ended and now we have this preposterousness. And it wouldn’t even be so bad, if it didn’t affect the boys so much. How abysmal is it that I have to get this information from my 14 year old son? And that he called knowing innately that his dad was lying and needing to forewarn me about their not being at his dad's when I came to pick them up?
I got a letter today.
"during the weekend you have designated (June 9 - 11) to interrupt my extended summer possession with the boys we will be at the Silver Spur Ranch in Bandera Texas."
Sent May 30th. Over a month and a half after the reservations had been made.
Interrupt? What a bonehead.
We go to court on June 19th….I wonder if we should bring this up…hmmmm.
I don’t rejoice at the thought of my youngest graduating high school in five years, but the idea of having to never interact with their dad again upon his graduation makes me salivate.
That will be a day of incredible celebration.
I think we will take a family vacation.
I can guarantee that it will not be at a dude ranch.
Holla! Now just work it out.
Once again, sigh, back to the melodrama created by the X. Every year he has to let me know by April 1st when he will have the boys over the summer holidays. Once I get that, I have until April 15th to pick a weekend during that time to pick them up and drop them off and another weekend during the summer that he would normally have them (1st, 3rd, or 5th) that I choose to keep them home.
Sounds so incredibly simple.
I get a letter from him stating when he will have the boys on March 30th and on April 8th I send a letter saying I will have the weekend of June 9 – 11 to come pick them up and drop them off. Please let me know as soon as possible if the address or location is different than the home address.
Easy. Simple.
That’s April 8th.
On May 27th he comes to pick the boys up for the first half of their summer visit. Half an hour later, Josh calls. Whispering, he tells me that X had told him they were going to a dude ranch…….that’s right…..a dude ranch from June 8th through the 12th, that he had informed me and that I would not be driving all that way to pick them up.
A. I never received notification.
B. I would drive all that way to pick them up.
I tell him not to worry, thanks for the call and I would figure something out. The next day I get an email from Josh with the name of the dude ranch. We call the owners of the dude ranch.
The stepmother called on April 12th….yes, that’s correct, four days after I had notified them and three days before the deadline for my declaration that I was going to choose the weekend of June 9 – 11, they, in turn, call a dude ranch and make arrangements to be out of town on my weekend.
And this is from someone who is screaming poverty, thus the $300 per month in child support for two teenage boys .
Now, if this were some kind anomaly that would be one thing. But last year it was remarkably similar.
First he claimed that I had missed the 15th deadline, having received it on the 16th. It goes by the postmark.
Then he said that he was going to be in Colombia. Interesting since I have the passports and he has to get my ok.
I chose a different weekend and he said that it was, as I knew (NOT!), that it was his birthday weekend. I told him that I couldn’t find in the orders where it stipulated anything regarding his birthday overriding my choice, so that was that.
He takes the boys to New Orleans. During my weekend.
It’s all so pathetic. It could be different and it was for the two years he had a flash of conscience and made an effort for the boys, but that ended and now we have this preposterousness. And it wouldn’t even be so bad, if it didn’t affect the boys so much. How abysmal is it that I have to get this information from my 14 year old son? And that he called knowing innately that his dad was lying and needing to forewarn me about their not being at his dad's when I came to pick them up?
I got a letter today.
"during the weekend you have designated (June 9 - 11) to interrupt my extended summer possession with the boys we will be at the Silver Spur Ranch in Bandera Texas."
Sent May 30th. Over a month and a half after the reservations had been made.
Interrupt? What a bonehead.
We go to court on June 19th….I wonder if we should bring this up…hmmmm.
I don’t rejoice at the thought of my youngest graduating high school in five years, but the idea of having to never interact with their dad again upon his graduation makes me salivate.
That will be a day of incredible celebration.
I think we will take a family vacation.
I can guarantee that it will not be at a dude ranch.