Gay Marriage...A Christian Perspective
I have again been consumed with something that has been rolling around in my head. As I have said before, I feel we do God a grave injustice when we focus on the external shell of the human being instead of the depth of the spirit, the soul that is unique in each of us. In focusing on "gay" relationships, the focus is on the exterior of the being, not the heart, the essence of that individual. If you are truly a spiritual person, then how on earth can you focus on such superficial attributes as male and female and not what Christ commanded you to focus on, and that, of course, is LOVE?
I feel that gay marriage is the true example of love. Think about this for a minute. How compellingly spiritual must a love be to be willing to engage against people who believe they have God on their side? To be willing to be considered social outcasts? To be willing to sacrifice so much socially and personally? To be willing to forego basic benefits like visiting each other in the hospital..making decisions about the lives of each other during times of crisis? Can you imagine being with someone for, say, twenty years, sharing every aspect of your life, and when your partner becomes terminally ill - the mom is called in to make decisions? How deep must that kind of love run? And for those that experience a love like that, shouldn't they be the ones that get to be first in line for a license claiming their eternal, spiritual bond? I think anyone willing to put a target on their back, willing to walk with their hands interlocked and heads held high, knowing with absolute certainty that cruel and judgmental condemnation will rain down upon them, I think anyone who is that brave and that in love deserves to not only be legally married, I believe that they should be the spokespersons for marriage.
But, hey, that's just me. I'm sure some don't see things so clearly.


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