BREAKING NEWS Action Alert -- House Vote on AETA this Monday!
This is your ONLY chance to defeat the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (HR 4239, S3880)!
In a late night move on Friday, AETA was added to the House Suspension Calendar for THIS Monday! This underhanded fast-track maneuver, like the one in the Senate, means that AETA will not have any debate... only an up/down vote.
Contact YOUR Rep this weekend and Monday morning!
Identify your House Representative: name, fax, e-mail, and phone number at
Then, use our sample letter and/or the talking points below to...
Be a triple hitter for the animals:
Call direct or use the switchboard 202-225-3121
Remember, all contact info is at
Call & Fax Representative Scott ALL Day!
Rep. Robert Scott (D-VA) is the leading Democrat on AETA. He's also the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary so assert your right to have a voice with him, even if you are from another district. Be the squeky (but respectful) wheel... if Rep. Scott withdraws his support, others will follow!1201 Longworth House Office Building(202) 225-8351 Phone(202) 225-8354 Fax
Talking Points!
"As your constituent, I strongly urge you to: (1) vote NO on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (HR4239, S 3880), which is currently on the suspension calendar for 11/13 to be voted on Monday after 6:30pm, and (2) to contact Rep. Sensenbrenner to remove the bill from the suspension calendar. The measure is much too important to pass without discussion."
The bill must be opposed for the following reasons:
AETA is opposed by more than 150 animal protection, social justice, and civil liberty organizations including: National Lawyers Guild, Humane Society of the U.S., ASPCA, Natural Resources Defense Council, and the League of Humane Voters. Click here for opposition list.
AETA deserves a hearing to afford its many opponents a voice.
AETA denies equal protection under the law and limits freedom of speech and assembly.
AETA unfairly brands as ‘terrorists’ nonviolent animal protection advocates.
AETA unfairly brands as ‘terrorism’ nonviolent civil disobedience and undercover investigations.
AETA invokes excessively harsh penalties for comparable offenses.
AETA is excessively broad and vague by covering innocent parties.
AETA may authorize unwarranted wiretapping of animal protection advocates.
AETA has a chilling effect on all forms of social justice and life affirming advocacy.
AETA interferes with prosecution of real terrorism against the American people.
Join Us for the Anti-AETA Lobby Day on Monday!
Please join us in Washington, DC for an emergency Anti-AETA Lobby Day on Monday, November 13, starting at 10 am. Please dress conservatively. The details will be announced on by Monday morning. You can also call 800-632-8688 or 202-468-4834.
This alert is sponsored by the Equal Justice Alliance, a national coalition of social advocacy organizations preserving free speech and equal treatment under the law by defeating AETA. Details at 800-632-8688.
Thank you and please forward widely and immediately! online version
This is your ONLY chance to defeat the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (HR 4239, S3880)!
In a late night move on Friday, AETA was added to the House Suspension Calendar for THIS Monday! This underhanded fast-track maneuver, like the one in the Senate, means that AETA will not have any debate... only an up/down vote.
Contact YOUR Rep this weekend and Monday morning!
Identify your House Representative: name, fax, e-mail, and phone number at
Then, use our sample letter and/or the talking points below to...
Be a triple hitter for the animals:
Call direct or use the switchboard 202-225-3121
Remember, all contact info is at
Call & Fax Representative Scott ALL Day!
Rep. Robert Scott (D-VA) is the leading Democrat on AETA. He's also the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary so assert your right to have a voice with him, even if you are from another district. Be the squeky (but respectful) wheel... if Rep. Scott withdraws his support, others will follow!1201 Longworth House Office Building(202) 225-8351 Phone(202) 225-8354 Fax
Talking Points!
"As your constituent, I strongly urge you to: (1) vote NO on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (HR4239, S 3880), which is currently on the suspension calendar for 11/13 to be voted on Monday after 6:30pm, and (2) to contact Rep. Sensenbrenner to remove the bill from the suspension calendar. The measure is much too important to pass without discussion."
The bill must be opposed for the following reasons:
AETA is opposed by more than 150 animal protection, social justice, and civil liberty organizations including: National Lawyers Guild, Humane Society of the U.S., ASPCA, Natural Resources Defense Council, and the League of Humane Voters. Click here for opposition list.
AETA deserves a hearing to afford its many opponents a voice.
AETA denies equal protection under the law and limits freedom of speech and assembly.
AETA unfairly brands as ‘terrorists’ nonviolent animal protection advocates.
AETA unfairly brands as ‘terrorism’ nonviolent civil disobedience and undercover investigations.
AETA invokes excessively harsh penalties for comparable offenses.
AETA is excessively broad and vague by covering innocent parties.
AETA may authorize unwarranted wiretapping of animal protection advocates.
AETA has a chilling effect on all forms of social justice and life affirming advocacy.
AETA interferes with prosecution of real terrorism against the American people.
Join Us for the Anti-AETA Lobby Day on Monday!
Please join us in Washington, DC for an emergency Anti-AETA Lobby Day on Monday, November 13, starting at 10 am. Please dress conservatively. The details will be announced on by Monday morning. You can also call 800-632-8688 or 202-468-4834.
This alert is sponsored by the Equal Justice Alliance, a national coalition of social advocacy organizations preserving free speech and equal treatment under the law by defeating AETA. Details at 800-632-8688.
Thank you and please forward widely and immediately! online version