Send a letter to Congress
Participate in the January 6-9 Peoples Lobby for Impeachment
Send a Letter to Congress Today!

For the next four days, between January 6-9, is launching the People's Lobby for Impeachment. Tens of thousands of people will use the web site to send an email or fax to their elected official demanding that Bush and Cheney be impeached for High Crimes and Misdemeanors.
On these days, there will be an easy-to-use email mechanism on the web site that will allow you to send
an email letter to your elected official telling them to uphold the Constitution by supporting impeachment. Even if your Senators or congressional representative are unsympathetic to impeachment, let them know what you think. If you think that they are potentially sympathetic, tell them to stop waiting and act now! We owe it to ourselves and to our children.
Click here to send your letter.
The January 6-9 Peoples Lobby for Impeachment will be just the first steps of the Impeachment Action Plan to force impeachment in 2006. Shortly after the People's Lobby for Impeachment, we'll be running the NY Times and other newspaper ads, along with various radio spots.
-All of us at VoteToImpeach/


Lorraine said…
Right on! I suppose it will be hard to advance past a certain point without a Dem majority in Congress but '06 is shaping up better than I would have hoped for that. I'm sending my letter now.

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