Quick Musings
As anyone can tell you, I believe in close and firm monitoring of those entities involved in the financial system. Clear and present reform as well. But it appears that our tendency is to focus on the label rather than the content. There are swirlings of outrage regarding Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs was a huge company. Thousands of people worked for that entity. Thousands. Was each and every single person involved in that company tainted, a money grabber that threw our country into economic ruin? Was each and every employee at Enron corrupt? Judging by the outrage, the crying, the blank, bewildered looks by those carrying their belongings from the building in cardboard boxes the answer would have to be no. It is our way to sweepingly swipe at an entire entity - Iran (all of Iran), California, Wall Street, Conservatives, Liberals - and cast all out. Baby. Bath water. Let's show a little insight, a little maturity, and little bit of wisdom.

You can say socialism. You can say the 1/6th of our economy. You can say people helping themselves. But what this all boils down to is that our system is broken and pointing at the paint job, pointing at the low air in the wheels, griping about the sound system has nothing to do with fixing the engine. The engine is broken and we are fixing it. Eventually if we get our way, insurance companies will cease to exist. That is my hope. We have to get people well. Only those that have no exposure to the real world, only those that have not seen the devastating effects of pain, of fear, of chronic illness, the stress of the impending cost of getting oneself well say that reform is not needed. Only those that have not seen people destroyed by illness can wag their finger and talk about laziness and bootstraps. STFU. 99.9% of people do not want to be a burden. They want to do for themselves. They want to contribute. You are not the only human being in the world with tenacity and ambition and the drive to do well. What you feel is what we all feel. However when you are ill to the point that you cannot function at 20% let alone 100% no amount of ambition and gumption will change it. You can judge and mock and castigate but it changes nothing. Those unable to do for themselves MUST be helped by those that can. It is our obligation as a compassionate society. Isn't it funny, how we run to help those in other countries affected by famine, natural disaster or are victims of war but we look down our nose at those in our own country that just need a temporary hand up? I hurt my back and for 4 weeks I was in pain. During that short time, I felt my entire personality change. Pain is a personality killer. It is exhausting. It is physically and emotionally devastating. You cannot do what you need to do. You cannot emotionally or psychologically invest. You don't have it to invest. That was one month. What about those in pain for 6 months, a year, five years, ten?
Enough of the judging. We are a society by and for the people. We must care for those that need help. If it is indefinitely, then so be it. I don't mind. That is what I was put on this earth to do. Contribute, create, care. I was put here to do for others and for myself. It is not my job to judge those that come back twice, thrice or indefinitely for assistance. Something in their lives has made that a reality. It is not my place to judge.

Peggy Noonan / George Will
Can go to hell.

Faux News
Is the oasis for the fanatical rightwing and ultra conservatives. There is no other place for them where they get that agenda 24/7. The ratings are high because there is no dilution. MSNBC, CNN etc. have a centrist if not a left leaning view. There is much dilution. I can switch from 6 to 10 outlets and get a pretty good idea of what's going on. Turn to Faux News and I get one that is whack I can't even believe they aren't in hystericals on a regular basis.

Best Friends
There is nothing better than having a best friend. I am fortunate that outside my family (my mom, sister, my wonderful husband) I have Lori. Lori is the easiest, the most fun, the most compatible person to me that I have ever met. I don't need a bunch of people that I call friends. Just a couple close people. I am so blessed.

I missed Paul a lot this week. I feel his presence every day but I feel his spirit always. I miss his voice, his wit, his input.


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