Listening to rush and hannity yesterday I was stunned that people during Obama's town hall meeting were asking for new kitchens and bathrooms and more money to compensate them for their MickeyD job that they have had for four years, free gas, free this, free that.
A new kitchen?
Some people don't understand what this whole stimulus package is supposed to be a-stimulatin'.

But those rascals did it again! Caught me believing them! Crazy ME! This is hannity/rush SPIN!
The kitchen/bathroom request? Comes from a homeless woman that made a desperate plea for someone, anyone to please address the fact that hundreds of thousands of people, mostly children, are without a place to sleep, to live.
The compensation for a job? That was from a college student that is trying to work and go to school and is worried about not getting a job when he is done.
The free gas? There they go again. It was in snippets from someone talking, taken out of context in order to promote this obama-worship / Messiah gig that they believe everyone is falling prey to. Everyone but they, of course.

It's so funny how people like hannity and rush who are entertainers and nothing more, can sit around guffawing about other people begging for assistance. So immune. They rail about NATIONALIZED HEALTHCARE like it is the Chernobyl to the American Way. They are completely oblivious to the fact that this would help businesses by relieving the burden of insurance and it would assist our citizens in reaching their full potential as human beings - healthy and strong. They don't care. They're covered.

I listen because I need to know what is being said. It nauseates me, it infuriates me, but I didn't realize it would sucker me. It did. I stand corrected.


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