
Showing posts from August, 2021


I have come across several items of interest that I thought it would be good to share. While driving to my son's apartment for a day of day-drinking, playing with other people's dogs and deep discussions, I happened upon a podcast. #wecandohardthings. I chose an episode and settled in to inevitable cluster of Houston traffic. Much of what was said impacted me but there were two specific parts that performed the monumental feat of structural shift. First, there was a factoid regarding the number of women that have choked in a restaurant and died. It was some ridiculously high number. But one that I absolutely could believe. Because, as stated by Glennon, women have been trained to soothe not disrupt, to strive for the coveted matrydom that is womanhood and motherhood. The selfless giver. The supporter and bringer of oranges and cupcakes and tissues from her handbag because she's always so damned prepared to care for others. I believe that number because I can vividly see ev...