
Showing posts from March, 2009
There has been a lot said, usually from those that comment from the periphery - refusing to get involved in the very real dilemna our country faces in its treatment of animals -about PETA euthanizing animals. I understood immediately why this was probably the case but it was speculation. I have removed the disturbing photos that went along with the article but I think that it is important to fathom what these people see on a day in day out basis. From Ingrid Newkirk: In my first year working at a grossly substandard animal shelter in Maryland, I forced myself to go in early to euthanize dogs by holding them in my arms and gently helping them escape an uncaring world without trauma or pain and to spare them from being stabbed haphazardly—while they were fully conscious, terrified and aware—in the general vicinity of their hearts with needles blunt from reuse and left to thrash on the floor until they finally died by the callous people who would arrive later to do the job. I always wonde...
Correction: I thought the HBO Documentary Death at a Factory Farm was a series of investigative reports, but it was in fact a singular investigative report. Regardless, if you haven't seen it, find it and watch it. You owe the animals that you eat at least that. 
HBO Series  I have been " DVR'ing " the HBO series Death of a Factory Farm. I hadn't been able to watch it for one reason or another - being out of town, working, extracurricular events that needed my attendance. But I had today off and once the cleaning service left, I caught up on some of the shows I had recorded. I skipped over the HBO series several times.  It's not like I haven't seen what goes on.  I have.  I have witnessed such unbelievable cruelty from my fellow man - towards companion animals, those used in entertainment and for experimentation.  I have seen turkeys and chickens being sodomized and raped.  I have seen dogs being skinned alive.  I have seen whales being harpooned and sharks being caught and thrown back to drown after their dorsal fin is cut from their body.  I have seen the Japanese trap dolphins in a cove and then execute the most horrendous cruelty that it gives me nightmares.  To say that I am deeply, deeply sensitive to these image...